Texas Downhole Tools is an owner-operated, independent downhole tool and service company that provides services in Packers, Gas Lift and Service Tools. We have made service, customer satisfaction and quality equipment the corner stone of our business.
New Sales:
Production packers, to anchor catchers to complicated seal bore completions - a variety of choices of equipment from several recognized manufacturers
Renewed Sales:
Any type of retrievable packers
Repair, Exchange, Rental:
Ranging from Model R, Anchor Catchers, tension packers and AS-1X packers
From designing and running a deep, hot, hostile seal-bore completion to setting an anchor catcher
New Sales:
Field proven valves
Renewed Sales:
Large selection of renewed valves, checks, and mandrels
Repair, Exchange, Clean & Test:
Exchange, Rental - all makes and models
Evaluation, design and troubleshooting
Test, squeeze and treat packers and plugs:
A selection of the best tools offered by serveral quality manufacturers
Cast Iron/ Cement Retainers/ Bridge Plugs:
- Mechanical Set
- Wireline Set
Bridge Plugs - Retrievable:
- Mechanical Set
Sleeves, nipples and other completion accessories subs
Casing scrapers and bit subs
Mag Disk
Workover Bits
Pup Joints
Safety Ball Valves
Sliding Sleeves
Stock and storage:
We stock and store customers
We are only a phone call away